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New Beginnings

Corporate Programmes

As you are most likely aware, wellbeing for today’s workforce has risen to the top of agenda for large successful corporate companies and this is down to the fact that over the last 10 years it has been statistically proven that looking after our work force improves employee engagement making them more successful.


Ask yourselves how many lost days has your company had down to sickness and stress? Maybe if we look after our employee’s wellbeing, we will prevent these lost days making us more productive and financially better off, not to mention creating a happier work force. 


Do you want more productive staff? 


Then invest in their health and boost your business!

Studies show that investing in a regular employee wellness program gives between 200% – 500% return on investment.


As a local supporter for wellbeing, we are now offering these kinds of services at a corporate level. We have selected businesses around the North Lincolnshire area to offer these kinds of programs. Please can you take 5 minutes to explore the below opportunities and see how we can help your business become an even better place to work, somewhere that can be known to care for their employee’s wellbeing and a great place to work.


New Beginnings Wellness Programmes will improve your company’s performance regardless of the type of work you do by implementing changes that have a direct result on your staff’s mental and physical health boosting energy levels and creating a more positive environment to work in.


This can be done by offering team fitness events, individual 1 to 1 session’s, nutritional seminars and so much more.


We are very flexible, ensuring day to day work is not affected. We can visit keeping it in house or your employees can visit us at a time that suits you; before or after the working day, at break or lunchtimes, during the day or to fit shift patterns. You tell us what’s best and we will make it happen. 


All our programmes have the same primary goal of increasing staff productivity and saving your business money normally lost through sick days.

At the end of our programs, whether they be one-offs or long-term plans, staff are more motivated, happier, fitter and feel more valued.


Benefits of Health and Wellness Programs

We offer a wide range of health and fitness services all of which work toward a healthier and more productive workforce. Services range from a series of workplace workshops to a range of online health programs that are monitored remotely by our highly experienced team.


Our health & fitness solutions provide long-term and sustained improvements in health and significant boosts in workplace performance. Benefits of implementing our coaching service include the following:


For The Organization

Enhanced employee engagement

More robust workforce, resilient to stress and illness

Less employee sickness

Improved loyalty and retention

Decreased absence and lateness

Increased productivity

Improved workplace culture and health

Staff who feel appreciated

Reduced illness and injuries

Reduced absenteeism

Reduced presenteeism

Reduced staff turnover

Reduced health care, workers compensation and disability costs

Improved corporate image

Increased profits



For The Employee

Take the guesswork out of health and fitness

Understand proper workplace posture

Help to avoid lower back and neck issues related to a sedentary lifestyle

Lower risk factors for several health ailments

Improve strength, mobility, muscular endurance, fitness, and co-ordination through our exercise program

Understand how to eat in a way to reduce body fat and systemic inflammation

Reduce Stress through mindfulness practice


The New Beginnings Difference

We customise every session around your company and your employees. Our qualified and experienced Personal Trainers have the skills to ensure your staff get a session designed to their needs – whether they sit at a desk, are on their feet, or are physically active all day. Don’t worry if your staff don’t like to exercise, we can work with that too! 


In fact, our best success stories are people who have failed at a gym, only to succeed with us. We separate ourselves from the rest by focusing on health and staying down-to-earth rather than big egos and bikini-bodies. It’s the least active people who are the most important to show that a fitness program can be non-intimidating, fun and motivating enough to help them make a positive change.



Benefits of our Corporate Group Fitness Sessions

Increasing teamwork and camaraderie

Increasing trust and friendship

Creating a more positive work environment

Increased self-confidence and self-appreciation

Improved energy levels

Increased concentration and productivity

Reduced stress, depression, and anxiety

Increased happiness and improved mood



Our Services

We provide a bespoke approach to workplace wellness and create a package to suit the individual needs of our clients. Each package focuses on enhancing the health of the employee and the overall efficiency and morale of the organisation. 



Counselling and Mental Health Wellbeing Sessions

We have our own onsite Mental Health Wellbeing Practitioners and Counsellors who can support your employees either face to face, online or over telephone. 



Wellbeing Presentations & Workshops

We provide workshops and presentations on many facets of a healthy lifestyle, which could mean a guide to improving your sleep, reducing stress, improving body composition, enhancing posture of numerous other skills sets and knowledge bases that serve to enhance an over healthy lifestyle. Workshops and presentations can be delivered as over lunch presentations or full or can be the focus of an entire half / full day time slot.



Lifestyle Check-in’s and Feedback

Individual lifestyles check ins and feedback can be delivered to your workforce providing a unique opportunity to gain personal insight as to how their health and wellbeing practices could be modified or enhanced. Employees will have the opportunity to carry out a health & lifestyle check-in which includes weight, level of body fat, body muscle and will be given a plan of action to make improvements. This service is best deployed on a regular basis to provide ongoing coaching and guidance. Many workplaces benefit from this service being delivered on a 4-weekly basis.


One to One Lifestyle Coaching

Empower your employees with our comprehensive one-to-one lifestyle coaching programs. Our coaching packages include a full training program and meal planner, online and phone support and in person consultations and personal training.



What does Corporate Wellness Programmes cost?

Our corporate prices are very affordable and at up to 10% cheaper then are standard prices and we can structure packages to suit your budget for any sized group or goals with our team located in North Lincolnshire. Prices vary based on group size, session number and package inclusions so enquire today to get specific options for you and your team.


All our Personal Trainers, Coaches and Counsellors are experienced, fully qualified, registered and insured, so you know our team is as professional and reliable as your team.


Thank you for your time I know the above is a lot to take in so if you would like to know more, we would be happy to come in and discuss more or feel free to contact us.

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together to support your employees.

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